We're delighted to announce basis.point as the second and final beneficiary for Adminovate 2019. Having seen the progress made in its relatively short history, it's great to be able to support the great work basis.point do.
You can read more about basis.point below:
basis.point is the Irish Fund Industry's initiative to come together to help make a difference to those in need. Established in 2013, the basis.point vision is to help make a sustainable and tangible difference to the lives of disadvantaged youths through educational programmes by supporting established Irish registered charities. Basis.point is an official charity of Irish Funds and is supported by service providers, professional firms, independent directors and promoters of the Irish investment Fund Industry.
Basis.point operates a Patron funding model whereby individuals and corporates commit a fixed annual donation which enables us to make multi-year grants to deserving educational programmes. In addition to the Patron model, we also enter into discrete Partner Programmes with large donors who co-fund with us specific programmes. 100% of all donations received go directly to our grant initiatives. We're able to do this by the tremendous pro-bono contribution from our volunteers and by organising several awareness events, the net proceeds of which help to defray all operational expenditures that arise throughout the year.
Currently, we support six grantee charities that run multi-year educational programmes in Dublin, Cork and Limerick. They are Archways, National College of Ireland’s Early Learning Initiative, Suas, Foróige, Business in the Community and DIT Foundation. These educational programmes benefit children throughout their educational lifespan, from pre-school to post-secondary school. These programmes include early learning initiatives, numeracy support, emotional/behavioural difficulty support, school retention initiatives, youth entrepreneurship and university outreach programmes. Through the grants provided, basis.point aims to significantly increase the educational capital and life chances for young people from areas of historical disadvantage. The programmes enable the young recipients to develop the skills and attitudes necessary to work towards a better future for themselves and their families.
Late last year basis.point commissioned an independent evaluation by Genio, to measure the impact of our first two grants and the results were very positive. In particular the evaluation found that “the basis.point strategy, of funding well-established organisations, implementing evidence-based interventions with high fidelity, has produced a high level of impact in a short space of time with a relatively modest amount of funding. This is a sound investment strategy which yields high impact relatively quickly”.
The announcement earlier this year by the Government to roll out the Archways Incredible Years program to over 900 disadvantaged schools greatly endorses our work and that of our selection process. The Incredible Years programme, delivered by Archways, is a behavioral management intervention programme and was the recipient of our first grant. We have been proudly supporting the program since 2015 delivering it in Dublin, Limerick and Cork.
Basis.point currently has annual commitments from Patrons of c€350,000 and have cumulatively committed over €850,000 to our charities. Early next year that amount will exceed €1 million.
If you are interested in becoming a Patron, volunteering, signing up to our newsletter or finding out more, visit our website or email admin@basispoint.ie
If so, sign up now to get an early bird discount!